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Cindy Cosco
January 6, 2018 | Cindy Cosco

The Epiphany


This is the time of year when some people celebrate the Festival of Epiphany. 

"Since we move in time through a sequence of spaces, we experience a space in relation to where we’ve been to where we anticipate going." ~Ching

I love this time of year. New beginnings. New horizons. Old things have passed away, making space for what’s to come.

Walking through the vineyards during this season soothes my soul. The narrow rows of young, living vines radiate peace in the early morning hours. The sun has yet to rise, and as I quietly stroll, the pruned vines stand silent. Dew blankets the ground, blending with the soft fog and the sweet smells of the earth. The rows ahead disappear into the mist, and the vines stand tall and still as if waiting for their commander-in-chief to pass inspection. All I hear is my breathing. Then, I start to sing. Music has a way of calming me.

As I walk, I reflect on the vines. What struggles have they endured? Their branches have been cut back to the bare minimum, yet they stand resilient, ready for renewal. A new beginning is just around the corner for them. Soon, buds will form, and fresh fruit will emerge. What will this season bring for them?

In many ways, our lives mirror the vines. We all need new beginnings, a chance to start over. Sometimes, we must prune away the old to make room for growth. Take a walk through the rows of your life. Look ahead, even if the path is shrouded in fog. New horizons are there, waiting to emerge. Soon, new fruit will spring forth. Until then, keep singing.

Be encouraged.



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